Friday, October 29, 2010

Things Other People Should Learn!!!

So.. right now I am going through some things, as does everyone.
I am reworking my living situation, and it is very tough. About threed days ago I confirmed with the person that I am living with that I am moving out. He did not take this very well, but is dealing with it.

A week ago my lovely sister Jen  went on vacation to Venice, Italy. Anytime she goes on a trip she sends a post card. This trip was no exception. Before she left I had had a talk with her about moving out of my apartment, she was aware that this was a sensitive topic. However, she did find it appropriate to write on the back of the post card, "I hope this reaches you before you move."

Well... the person whom I have not entirely had this conversation with, gets home 3 hours before I do, therefore he usually picks up the mail.

Yes he read it and was infuriated.

Moral to the story... POSTCARDS AREN'T EXACTLY PRIVATE!!! 
I just wish my sister would learn this.

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